Many of you have heard the term FASCIA and wonder what that is? Or why it is mentioned so often today? Well, in the following article I am going to explain it in a simple way.

To begin, let's talk about connective tissue. It makes up the longest tissue of the human body and is made up mostly of collagen fibers and, as the name implies, is responsible for connecting all structures of the body with each other. The FASCIA is a type of connective tissue that wraps and extends throughout the body and which density varies depending on the associated structure and area of the body. This tissue, due to its multidimensional nature, comes to form a totally integrated and a connected system which is known as FASCIAL SYSTEM.
The FASCIA has several functions. First, it connects to the bones and muscle through tendons, connects the bones between each other through ligaments and also wraps and keeps the organs in place. At last, it also has the function of cushioning between the vertebrae through the intervertebral disc. It is important to note that tendons, ligaments and intervertebral discs are considered part of FASCIAL SYSTEM.

Added to the basic known functions, the FASCIA wraps each and every one of the layers of the muscle tissue so we can say that they are inseparable. The FASCIA moves, in response to the activity of muscles fiber acting on bone, joints, ligaments, tendons and even on the same FASCIA. The latest researches have shown that the FASCIA has a large number of movements receptor so it is highly related to proprioception which is essential for posture. These researchers have also found that in FASCIA layers there are sensory receptors so it can say that FASCIA is also linked to pain sensation. Therefore we can say that, due to the transmission of forces that exist between the structures of the body, and because of the capacity to perceive proprioceptive and pain stimuli, the FASCIA is no longer considered an isolated tissue, but it is considered a system called FASCIAL SYSTEM.
Finally, it is important to keep in mind that our mobility and our ability to recovery from pain is largely determined by how mobile and how well hydrated the FASCIAL SYSTEM is.