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News & Articles
The last updates, insights, and trends to keep you healthy

Andreina Linares DOMP
Sep 17, 2019
Treating Headaches
Many Canadians suffer from chronic headaches or migraines and studies shows that these headaches have a major impact on productivity and...

Andreina Linares DOMP
Feb 13, 2019
Craniosacral Therapy
The Craniosacral System is a physiological system that involves the bones of your skull and the membranes surrounding the brain extending...

Andreina Linares DOMP
Nov 15, 2018
Understanding Fascia
As explained in an earlier post, the fascia is the tissue that connects each and every one of the structures of our body. In the abdomen,...

Andreina Linares DOMP
Jun 24, 2018
Tips for stretching
On this post I will give to you a few tips that you can apply at home or at gym during your session of stretches so that they are...

Andreina Linares DOMP
Apr 5, 2018
How Visceral Manipulation help?
Visceral Manipulation (VM) is a therapy that consists in manual forces used to release fascial restrictions in the abdomen, pelvis and...

Andreina Linares DOMP
Feb 27, 2018
Importance of Psoas muscle
The psoas muscle is always involved in one way or another in any pathological changes to the hip joint, as well as being an integral part...

Andreina Linares DOMP
Nov 30, 2017
Let's talk about fascia
Many of you have heard the term FASCIA and wonder what that is? Or why it is mentioned so often today? Well, in the following article I...

Andreina Linares DOMP
Sep 8, 2017
Benefits of walking
With the introduction of technology and computers, it seems that our society is becoming more and more sedentary. the hours we all spend...

Andreina Linares DOMP
Jul 3, 2017
Benefits of Osteopathy
As I said in a previous post, osteopathy is based on the tenet that the body is a unit which means that it sees the body as a whole , by...

Andreina Linares DOMP
Jun 5, 2017
Visceral Manipulation
It's a manual therapy consisting of gentle and specifically placed manual forces in order to release fascia restrictions in your abdomen,...

Neck pain ?
Neck pain is one of the most common complains nowadays. It can be caused by trauma, myofascial restrictions, bad posture at work,...

Craniosacral Therapy
The Craniosacral System is a physiological system that involves the bones of your skull and the membranes surrounding the brain extending...

Carpal Tunnel Sindrome tips
Your hand is innervated by to main nerves that travel through your wrist, the median and the ulnar nerves. Moreover, the median nerve...
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